I want to extend a thank you to everyone who attended the inaugural #STHmeetup. To say I was a bit nervous is an understatement at best. While I was hoping to hit a stretch goal of 30 attendees, we ended up at about 60. That figure is far better than I expected for a Saturday afternoon in the spring.
A few special thanks:
- Thank you to William Harmon (STH), Ian Cutress (Anandtech), and Ganesh T S (Anandtech) for participating in our Meet the Press session to end the event
- Thank you to David Kanter Analyst for the Microprocessor Report for giving brief overview of the new Intel Xeon E5 V4 architecture and participating in the Meet the Press session
- Thank you to Dave Okada and the rest of the Supermicro team for giving up their Saturday lugging some really cool server equipment to the #STHmeetup and sponsoring the event
- Thank you to Hacker Dojo for letting us hold the event in your space, and not kicking us out too quickly! We did have folks still around for a while after we started cleaning up at 4PM
- Thank you to all of those folks who flew in for the event from the UK, Canada, the east coast of the US and Texas. That was an absolutely amazing show of support getting on a plane to attend

We have received some great feedback thus far. Some examples are:
- More content around typical home solutions (e.g. pfSense, FreeNAS, ownCloud, Plex and others)
- More diet beverages other than water
- Invite more companies to participate
- Have a larger space next time
- Hold a system giveaway
- Have space and time for user how-tos
- Record sessions (video)
- Have another event this year!
All those points are under consideration. This was certainly a pilot event, but since it seems like we had some great turnout, I think the next event will be greatly expanded in terms of scope.
Thank you again for all those who attended the event. It was great to see the huge show of support and participation even on a weekend afternoon.