NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti GTC 2022 Giveaway

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Box
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Box

As we mentioned a few days ago, we are going to be doing a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti giveaway for GTC 2022 this week. This is our first giveaway. NVIDIA is trying to drive engagement at GTC, and so they are sponsoring the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti that we will be giving away. We have a super-easy way to enter, and a few ways to get additional bonus entries.

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti GTC 2022 Giveaway Form

To make this a bit easier, we are using Gleam.io to manage the giveaway. That entry form is below. There are a few important notes. First, as part of the giveaway, NVIDIA said we had to limit entries to the United States. I know we have many folks outside of the US, but it also makes it a bit easier from a compliance perspective so, for our first one, we are going to keep that as a condition.

NVIDIA asked that users submit their favorite GTC 2022 sessions. As a result, we are going to ask for screenshots while in a session to enter. For this, you likely need to have a GTC 2022 account. If you do not already have one, you can register on the GTC website. Registration is free this year and there are hundreds of free sessions. Then take a screenshot, uploading it below with a quick caption as to why the session is your favorite.

Here is the simple giveaway form:
STH NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Giveaway

For those who want a few bonus entries, after you submit the photo, you can get a bonus entry by subscribing to the STH Newsletter and/or going to the NVIDIA GTC 2022 page again.

Final Words

As I mentioned in the announcement post, this is new for us as I usually do not like giveaways. Still, I figured it was time to give it a try. GPUs are still fairly impacted by supply chain challenges. I realized when NVIDIA sent the GeForce RTX 3080 Ti that we had not gotten one to actually review so we do not have any images of the card. Even though we have reviewed many GeForce cards as well as higher-end GPUs like theĀ NVIDIA A40 48GB recently, we had not done the 3080 Ti. That shows how rare they are.

If this is successful, we may do more in the future. NVIDIA gave us the opportunity to finally give it a try so thanks to their team for making this happen.

As always, stay tuned to STH this week for lots of NVIDIA GTC 2022 coverage. We will certainly be covering the keynote on Tuesday!


  1. A real disappointment that the giveaway is limited to US residents only. It does make (us) others feel like second class citizens.

  2. Unfortunately, there are many laws regarding to specific countries, and i’d assume they don’t want to bother with dealing with international shipping + checking every law for every specific country. This is their first giveaway after all, and they are a US-based publication.

  3. @Loki and @Danny, if you read the article, it was also specified by nVidia not STH. If this was a personal card, I am sure the STH crew would have loved to open it to any reader, regardless of country.

  4. Shame since prices are a lot closer to MSRP in the US than what they are else where (we still have some 4_000usd 3090s, 2k 3080s and 1k 3060s :/), lets hope the next give away is open to other countries :D

  5. Well at least we still got inexpensive healthcare and university over here ;) Good luck to all the entrants back in the Colonies.

  6. @Matt So, if they don’t want to bother and are, after all, a US-based publication does that mean that readers based elsewhere should not be reading STH? Cos, you know, after all we’re not as important as US-based readers?
    @DiHydro I certainly did read the article and am well aware of the requirements stipulated by NVidia. I just find it unfair to segregate the readership on the basis of their origin.

    Considering the otherwise very careful approach by the STH to similar matters I find it surprising that they made this kind of blunder.

  7. Boo NVidia and :( for STH’s preliminary announcement not mentioning this significant restriction. I know this is easy for me to say but… It would be a strong sign of STH to refuse a giveaway offer with this kind of restriction.

  8. I am not a US resident, but can I enter if you are sending the card to a US address? That is how I buy some tech stuff from Amazon. I can provide an US shipping address.


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