Welcome the Newest STH Team Member

Baby STH And Mom Day 0
Baby STH And Mom Day 0

If you had read the STH newsletter last week and then watched coverage this week, you might have realized something had happened at STH. For those that did not know, my wife and I were married in June of last year (covered in our STH Q2 2023 Update A Letter.) In the meantime, we got pregnant just about the same time as we decided to move to Arizona. Our original due date was June 10, but baby STH was growing fast enough the doctors scheduled a June 3 eviction date. Our entire team at STH has been feverishly making content over the past few weeks with the idea that I would be gone for a good portion of June 3 to early July. Baby STH had different plans.

Welcome the Newest STH Team Member

On Tuesday, after the AMD EPYC 4004 piece went live, the team had a line of products ready for me to record videos for. We have videos for the next 60 days or so tested and ready for recording. Several tests were run with pieces that needed something from me. Since we were scheduling for the baby to arrive a week before the due date, I had just over 12 days to go, and the studio was closed Tuesday night, ready for me to record a multi-system video with the systems set up and ready to go for a 5:30AM recording.

At 11PM I was sending editing notes to the team and preparing to go to bed so I could record early. Instead, just before 1AM on Wednesday, my wife woke me up and told me her water broke. This was not in the project plan between now and June 3.

On a trip to the hospital, in a state mixed with a wild adrenaline rush and running on just over an hour of sleep, we were told that we were not leaving the hospital. The baby was coming early, and we were headed to the operating room soon.

Baby STH And Patrick Day 0
Baby STH And Patrick Day 0

By 5:30AM, instead of recording a video about several mini PCs that had taken the last two weeks to prep for, I was staring at a growing collection of nurses trying to get our baby boy to breathe and to get his blood sugar up. A glance over at the operating table where the doctors were still putting my wife back together is one that, frankly, I hope to forget.

Baby STH Day 1
Baby STH Day 1

On Wednesday, I canceled almost all of my meetings, and I only took a handful on Thursday. Somewhere in the haze between the days, I had a little bright red gum-faced newborn screaming at the top of his lungs. At that moment, I thought I was an abject failure as a father within just the first few hours. Kindly, a nurse just said, “Try feeding him,” and we were back to making cute baby noises.

Final Words

At STH, we often have weeks that do not go as planned. This was something different. We have already learned that computers are much easier. The team has been awesome, keeping STH running even though our plan got significantly interrupted. As we sort out the updated plan, we should resume normal STH next week. All I know is that I am totally jazzed to be this little guy’s dad.


  1. Congratulations to you, the Wife and the little Man. I hope all is well. And we’ll e to meet up sometime.

  2. Ah yes, somewhere around an hour of sleep and the frighten wake up, “HEY YOU, MY WATER BROKE! LET’S GO!” All three of my girls where exactly like that.

    Congrats to the new addition to the STH team. Now, does he where an XEON or EYPC onesie? Or play it safe and throw an STH onesie on? Curious minds want to know?

  3. ❤️
    Love to see it! And starting with a clear illustration that all your planning is for naught. Big congratulations, enjoy some time with the new edition.

  4. “Three weeks early and weighing in at just OVER 4kg”?! Hmm, that chip (off the old block) sounds like a full wafer reticle. Glad such good staff were on hand to assist!
    Well done all!

  5. Oh the joys of late night “server maintenance” ;))

    Congrats on your new baby and I wish all of you the best.

  6. Beautiful!

    All I can think of at the moment are the usual cliches, so anyway I’m just a bit weepy right now and happy for you.

    The love you have for your work busts out in your videos and that’s just gonzo hardware. This guy is lucky to have you for a dad.

  7. Yay! We are so so happy to see the new “mini you”! Loved how you told the story – probably one of the best new dad stories ever! Congrats and I’m sure you both will give that new baby all the love and attention he wants!!

  8. Congratulations. For the video about mini PCs, perhaps you can compare the noise level and power usage to mini humans now ;)

  9. First time I comment a story, but an avid reader of your site for more than 10 years.
    Congrats for both of you from France !

  10. congrats to mam and dad.

    wait till he is 6-7 months. then starts the most beautiful moments. when he starts smiling, jiggling. or crawling.

    and 3yr later he will asks when dad comes home .

    i have gone 2 times these stages.
    now my third baby is 7 months.

    enjoy it, with all of your heart.

    and god’s bless to your treasure

  11. Congrats Patrick – welcome to the father’s club, there’s no place like it, enjoy every day good and bad it’ll teach you things about yourself you didn’t know you had it in you.

  12. Congratulations to you both! Just as this company and website you’ve built has forced you to grow, being a parent is going to take you new places every single day. Enjoy them all, they truly fly by.


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