This issue was reported by users trying to use the Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS Desktop LiveCD to run Linux-Bench. Specifically they were trying to setup openssh-server so they could connect to the servers remotely. I was able to recreate the issue, and it is a significant difference from 14.04 LTS. One gets the “openssh-server : Depends: openssh-client” error when trying to install, which is easy to fix but can be a minor annoyance.
The Issue
Upon freshly booting Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS Desktop LiveCD one can do a sudo su – to elevate to root or just use sudo before running apt-get. When the command “apt-get install openssh-server” is run an error is displayed saying “Some packages could not be installed.”

“The following packages have unmet dependencies” error suggests a need for openssh-client is required as a dependency. One will find that an apt-get install openssh-client leads to an error since openssh-client is already installed.
The Fix
The fix is extraordinarily simple: before attempting to install simply run apt-get update (using either sudo or as root). That will install openssh-server as it would immediately with 14.04 LTS.
Once this is done, you can connect to the server via ssh as one would expect.

Linux-Bench runs well remotely on the 14.04.1 LTS LiveCD. Quick steps are:
Boot into the LiveCD as normal
Open the terminal
Use sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openssh-server curl
Then you can connect to the machine via SSH and run the necessary command found on the Linux-Bench Howto
Hopefully this helps others running into the “openssh-server : Depends: openssh-client” error in their quest to fix the problem.