The last day and a half has been crazy to say the least. Three milestones were hit. First, the STH YouTube channel hit, and then quickly passed 750,000 subscribers. In ourĀ STH YouTube HALF MILLION Subscribers Crazy Times piece, I noted that we were going to make a milestone for 750,000 then 1,000,000. Well, we hit 750,000 and quickly passed that milestone. I also had the goal of hitting 10,000 subscribers on the shorts channel, STH Labs and we passed that only a few hours later. Then, I found myself on Fox Business getting interviewed with a few minutes notice today. Wild times.
STH YouTube Passed 750K Subscribers
To me, there were two standout videos beyond the Xeon 6 videos over the past six and change months. First, was the Olympic Games Paris 2024 video. It was hard to leave my newborn son, but it was a cool experience learning how these big productions work. That one was funny because Intel did not really care what I said or did, but the International Olympic Committee cared. It was my first experience with that sort of production.
Not long after that, we did a trip to Memphis to film the xAI Colossus tour, only to be told we would have to come back to film. As one might imagine, with the folks involved in that video, we had approvals to go through. One of the (much) harder aspects was getting usable audio in a high-powered data center. Alex certainly lost sleep over that for many days. We tried many different methods. Still, without the Paris 2024 video, we would not have been able to do the Colossus video.
Today, I was looking to film something else, but then I got a call while I was walking to grab some lunch. Within about 30 seconds I was on the line with the Fox Business producers, and they told me I needed to do a tech check ASAP because I was going to be interviewed. A few minutes later, I was live on the air without knowing what I was doing or really what was going to be covered.
Luckily, staring into a camera and speaking I am still not great at, but doing YouTube helps a lot for this. Especially when I had to remember what was NDA information and what was public.
STH Labs Hits 10,000 Subs
This is really interesting one. Some combination of theĀ LITEON Shows NVIDIA GB200 NVL72 Rack at OCP Summit 2024 video and perhaps the main channel going crazy helped push us over the 10,000 mark!
To me, I still prefer doing the long-form video. Some folks have pointed out that there are topics we could cover that only need 15-60 seconds, so we need to learn this too. We are getting there. Hopefully, we will have one more from OCP this week.
Final Words
Thank you to everyone who reached out. I am still far behind on my e-mails. Overall though, it has been great to see the YouTube channels grow, but also to get in front of the camera live and talk technology on a major US network.

Most of all, thank you to the STH Family for making all of this possible. Folks thought I was crazy when I left the partner track at PwC to do STH. Frankly, this is a lot of fun.
Congratulations, both on the 750K subs AND that interview on Fox Business! Not too long before STH hits the big 1 meg! Y’all earned that! :-)
patrick, congrats for this amazing step ! Doing great content always pays. Don’t let YT put presure on you. Keep it the way you want at the pace you want to have a sane and fun time. Enjoy your time
Nice to