Lenovo ThinkPad P52 Mobile Workstation Rendering Related Benchmarks
Next, we wanted to get a sense of the rendering performance of the Lenovo ThinkPad P52 Mobile Workstation.
Arion v2.5
Arion Benchmark is a standalone render benchmark based on the commercially available Arion render software from RandomControl. The benchmark is GPU-accelerated using NVIDIA CUDA. However, it’s unique in that it can run on both NVIDIA GPUs and CPUs.
Download the Arion Benchmark from here. First-time users will have to register to download the benchmark.

MAXON Cinema4D 3D
ProRender is an OpenCL based GPU renderer which is available in MAXON’s Cinema4D 3D animation software. A fully functional 42-day trial version is available for downloaded from the MAXON website here. Note: Even after expiration, the trial can still be used to measure render times.

Redshift v2.6.32
Redshift is GPU-accelerated renderer with production-quality output. A demo version of this benchmark can be found here.

Again, we would point you to our recent NVIDIA Titan RTX Review to compare these to desktop workstation GPU performance figures.
Next, we will finish up with power consumption, boot times, and our final thoughts.